Sunday, January 13, 2008

Yusuf Garad: A propaganda agent for Islamic Courts Union


Monday July 24, 2006
Somalia has suffered from a brutal dictator followed by thugs of warlords who kept the Somalia in the dark ages. Fortunately or unfortunately Somali people are now under the rule of Islamic Courts. The Islamic courts got un waivering support from the Somali people not because of their strong force but because of firstly, people were tired of warlords and secondly, they claimed to rule Somalia under the Islamic law (the Sharia Law) which every Somali believe that it is the solution to the Somali problem.
Who assisted the Islamic courts?
People have different opinion about who is behind the Islamic courts and who financed them but what is sure is that the courts got most of the support both militarily and finances from the Cayr Clan and few people from Mudulood and Karanle clans.
Some of the leaders of this clan are Abdiqasim Salad, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweis and Cayrow, Indhe Cadde and some other ones such as Abukar Cadaani. Abdiqasim and Abukar Cadaani were financiers of the war while Sh. Hassan Dahir Aweis, Cayrow and Indhe Cadde were incharge of the military campaign. Yusuf Garad from the BBC and some others local Radio and TV were also responsible for the public relation propaganda.
Abdiqasim who failed to establish a good government after the Arta Reconciliation has succeeded in collecting a lot of money on behalf of the Somali people and now used for his own and his clan interest. He invested the money to create behind the seen a religious organization from his clan. Not only that but they created printing money scheme and media organization to spread their ideas and attach anyone who is against them.
Why the fighting move to the south of Mogadishu?
All the fighting has been going in Mogadishu and north of Mogadishu (Balad and Jowhar) and sometimes even in Elbur. Why now the courts go to the south of Mogadishu such as Afgoie, Marka, Barawe until Kismayo. Already, the north front line campaign have finished, why the courts liberate the lower shabelle and Juba region. Is this because the top leaders of the courts control this area or is it because the objectives of the courts have been accomplished.
After the civil war, most of this clan moved to Mogadishu and Lower Shabelle and lower Juba. Since they did not have enough residence in Mogadishu, they settled the government buildings such as schools, hospital, universities but also they occupied private homes by force. The top leader of the court understood that their clan live in a semi-desert land of Dusamareeb to the border of Hiraan. Because of the harsh environment they were living in made them hostile to the rule of law and order. Their existence of livelihood was based on fighting, robbery and killings. They wanted to change the reality on the ground and establish by a military structure run a ruthless person called Indhe Cadde.
In addition, this man (indhe cade) who rules Lower Shabelle is illiterate and never held a government job. He has never attended a formal schooling but he is very good in killing and robbing other people. They further conquered the fertile lands of lower shabelle region which belongs to most peaceful, law abiding and hard working people with no fighting force militia in Somalia. They planted drugs (hashish and marijuana) and used the natives as labours. They established check points to control the movement of the people in that area. They introduced a head tax to anyone who collects water from the river. The natives of the lower shabelle either left the area or/and remained and are subjugated to humiliation, threats and killing.
History is in the making: Somalis have seen different governments and non of them were fair and they were all corrupt. People will judge this Islamic courts how they treat people. Amir Amir the Somali artist put a carton his website and put a line in middle of a road. He said that to the courts that they can choose in three different ways. Ethier they can choose the failed tribal system or they can choose for a power and third way is the Nationalism. Now that you are in charge of the most difficult city (Mogadishu), how the courts tackle, establish and establish a system based on equality and justice on Sharia law. What the Somali people is waiting a fair treatment to all people regardless of their tribal, political and social affiliation. All Somali are watching you (Islamic Courts). Finally, unless the Islamic courts resolve the injustices and the humiliations subjected to the lower Shabelle and Lower Jubba people then they are not different from other government that is existed in Somalia before.
Fikradda qoraalkan uu xambaarsan yahay waxay ka tarjumeysaa FIKRADDA qoraaga oo kaliya, Maamulka QARANIMO online waa uu ka madax banaan yahay Firkrada & Aragtida qoraalkan & tan QORAAGABA.

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Editor for BBC Somali Section Continues to ignorefair and balance reporting

Editor for BBC Somali Section Continues to ignorefair and balance reporting
By M Karaani
As the surviving family members of the Somali civil war, we are horrified after listening to the BBC Somali section presenting false picture of Halima Khalif Magool’s past and present history. We are still fuming and outraged by Mr.Yusuf Garad total lack of fair and balance reporting. Mr. Yusuf Garad continues to misuse and misguide the BBC Somali section.
We hoped that the BBC Somali section some day would tell our children and the future generation the truth and the impartial history of our nation.
Now, that we are forced to write the facts about Ms. Magool’s history. Ms. Magool had many admiring friends; She was one of the most liked singers in Somalia or perhaps in Africa. But Ms. Magool chose to tarnish her reputation during the Somali civil war.
Ms. Magool songs has contributed to the civil war worst then Bullets and RPG's, Her songs has encouraged hate and miss-trust between the clans. In early1990’s, Magool’s songs encouraged the notorious executions and the collective massacre of thousands of Somali people in Badoa, Juba-Valley, Hiiraan region, and Mugud region, including the war the between Abgal clan and Habargidir clan in the capital Mogadishu. Her songs played big roll in prolonging the Somali civil war.
Ms. Magool continued to write and publish propaganda songs of “death and massacre” against non-Habargidir during and after the civil war. Early in the 1990’s Ms. Magool has traveled with her clan Cayr militia and played as a cheerleader while they destroy and burn villages, rape, loot and collectively massacre innocent woman and children.
In a more just world, the unequivocal support given to Ms. Magool by the lords of the mass media should end up costing them their franchise. Ultimately, it is the editors of the BBC Somali Section like “Yusuf Garad who is a closely blood related with Ms. Magool”, as well as the editors of, and who should be held to account for giving free reign to journalists who hide/cheered Ms. Magool’s war crimes and ignored conveniently, to talk about her bloody active roll during Somali civil war.
Granted, both the Nuremberg and Rwanda tribunals had limited jurisdiction to only prosecute atrocities committed by Hutus and Nazis. International law is a ticking time bomb for media moguls who allowed their properties to be used as weapons by those who advocate repression, collective punishment, expulsion and other war crimes against civilian populations. One precedent leads to another. As the law evolves over the next decade or two, it might very well extend the extra-territorial jurisdiction of international courts.
It is ironic, that Somali media such as BBC Somali section and other publishers missed an-other opportunity to tell the world the facts and the bloody history of one of the most well know Somali singer Halimo Khalif Omar “MAGOOL”.
In my conclusion, there is no doubt if she is to stand trial before International tribunal courts Ms. MAGOOL and the editors who cheered for her war crimes would have been convicted of conspiracy to commit crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.
M Karaani

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Now all of Somalia listens to their Habar Gidir Cayr Master

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Dabka uu Yuusuf Garaad Shidayo

Dabka uu Yuusuf Garaad(BBCda) shidiyo Eldoret ma lagu daminkaraa?

Mohamud jagne

Yuusuf Garaad oo ah Madax BBC Laanta Afsomaliga waa Dabayshii Dabka Somaliya ka shidan afuufaysay, sida ay Culimadu qireena suuro gal ma ahan in Dab la danshaa inta uu Dabkaasi Dabayl uu ku shidmo helayo.
Waxaana Dabaysha Yuusuf Garaad ee Dabka Somaliya afuufta ka mid ah mida Bariisada soo dhacda oo Magaalada Qardho maanta balo aan jirin ku waabariisisiy waxaana la yaable sida xishood la´aanta ah ee uu Beelo nagi Xasan Bariise balaayo aan jirin ugu waa bariisiyey.iyo sida uu waxan dhicin oo dhiilo Colaadeed u dhiraan dhiriyey.
Haddaba Dabaylaha Yuusuf Garaad ee Beenta afuufa, Puntlandna Buuq iyo Xasarada ka sameeya, kuma eka intaa ee waxaa cad in Yuusuf Garaad iyo Homepgeyada Masabidka magaca Puntland u wata wada shaqayn ka dhaxayso.
Waxana muuqda in Beenta ay BBCdu Barqadii tabindoonto Bariisadii Homepageyada Masabidka Magac Puntland u wata oo dabankood Xamar laga leeyahay la soo galiyo, si Beenta ay BBCdu tabindoonto Dadka loogu sii bisleeyo oo marka hore baahi Wareed iyo dhago taag iyo maxay BBCduna warkaa ka sheegi doontaa loo sii abuuro, sidaasna ay u muuqato in ay BBCdu tahay meeshii Beenta laga soo afuufay iyo meeshii ka makhraati kacaysay.
Haddaba meesha Aduunku u fadhiyo sidii Dabka Somaliya ka shidan loo damin lahaa wuxuu Yuusuf Garaad ku mashquulsan yahay isaga oo Radyaal FM ah oo uu qaarna wax ka leeyahay qaarna xirir la leeyahay oo uu tababaro iyo kunturaad siin ku sasabto iyo isaga oo Homepageyada Masabita Magac Puntland u wata iyo waliba Wargayso adeegsanaya, sidii uu Puntland. dab uga dhex shidi lahaa
Si Dabka Somaliya ka shidan marka loo dansho waa in Aduunka marka hore lagala kaashadaa sidii Yuusuf Garaad iyo BBCda Laanta Afsomliga Xishoodkii iyo Dhexdhaxaadnimadii Warbaahinta reer Galbeedka lagu yaqaanay lagu soo dabaali lahaa waxaana hubaa in uuna Aduunka xorta ah sidaas naara afuufnimadu ku jirto ee xaaranta ah ee Warbaahinta loo isticmaaliyo raali ka ahaanayn, Waxaa kale oo isna hubaal ah in aan Dabka Somaliya Eldoret lagu damin karin haddii aan dabaysha afuufaysa laga daboolin.

The Demise of the BBC Somali Service

The Demise of the BBC Somali Service